Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Help-Portrait | join us help make portraits for those who are in need!

Help-Portrait | Come join us help make portraits for those who need them!

So, what is Help-Portrait? It’s a global movement of photographers using their time, gear and expertise to give back to the local community.
Right before the holiday season, Help-Portrait encourages you to find someone in need, take a portrait photograph, print and give it to them. It’s not about building your portfolio, adding images to your website, but simply a chance to create a smile by clicking a smile. Help Portrait can be started by anyone, anywhere - all you need to do is initiate it and start shooting.
Help-Portrait is a fantastic initiative and is the brainchild of Jeremy Cowart help-portrait.comwho started this last year.  Take a minute to see this video which explains more:

We at LPM thought it would be a great idea to get involved in Help Portraits in Lebanon.
So we be taking your photos shot on that day and put them on our special album and try to spread the message.
Once the picture is read please submit it to us at info@lebanesephotographymagazine.net
Help us getting photos and give people H.O.P.E

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Roberto Cavalli Photography Exhibition Open to the public tomorrow, Thursday November 18th, in the halls of Palazzo Morando at Via Sant’Andrea

Open to the public tomorrow, Thursday November 18th, in the halls of Palazzo Morando at Via Sant’Andrea 6, is the photographic exhibition of "Il nero non è mai assoluto" by Roberto Cavalli, organized in collaboration with the Department of Culture for the City of Milan.

“This exhibition is my diary, where there are no days or dates, but rather a path that tells my life story.A small selection from my photo archives, giving everyone access to my creative process, which in turn leads to the printing of my fabrics.My prints are always the result of my photos and are the foundationsof my clothes.The most normal object has the ability to stir distant memories in my mind and become a source of inspiration for a collection or even a simple detail on a dress.I have those moments, things, people, unchanging in my head and on my camera.I have looked at a black sky and waited patiently, for hours, for the sun to shine through.You see, black is never absolute.There is always light behind it”.                                              
Roberto Cavalli

"What better set than the Palazzo Morando for an exhibit fusing Fashion, Costume and Images in one artistic project.  It is also a setting in which one follows the three “S”: stories, stupor, seduction.  Every one of his photographs is the helm through which Cavalli has directed you toward actual destinations, which are, above all, not physical but mental places”.
 Massimiliano Finazzer Flory  - City Councillor of Milan

Roberto Cavalli is not a photographer. Roberto Cavalli is a visionary.
Through his lens, Roberto Cavalli captures, moulds and transforms a moment from one of his continual journeys all over the world, a detail of the silhouette of a flower in his garden, the bright colours of the skin of a “character” from the animal world that he finds so fascinating, the fast, the ever-changing transformation of the clouds in the skies that he crosses. The image he creates is not limited by the borders of a frame: this too is incessantly transforming and evolving, interwoven with fabric it reappears in a pair of jeans, reworked once again it becomes the fine embroidery on a woman’s back, through modern technology it is a print for an interior.

This exhibition tells of a magical journey, offers the possibility of accompanying Roberto Cavalli on his flights of fantasy, of experiencing his search for visions, as he is used to doing.
An exhibition in movement, in constant elaboration: sharing the camera lens and at the same time turn it into an iridescent kaleidoscope where thousands of images continually render others, in a series of varying and infinite processes.
Projections, the refraction of light and colour, mirrors for imaginary architecture, a quest for other universes. A maze as a game, the playroom, hundreds of reflective bubbles that ironically deform reality.
To "see" in a different way.
Art Director: Luca Stoppini
Architect: Barbara Ghidoni / Storage Associati

Palazzo Morando Costume Moda Immagine
Via Sant’Andrea, 6 - Milano.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

LPM ISSUE 04 Photographer Cover Competition

            DO YOU WANT YOUR PHOTO TO BE ON THE NEXT COVER? Then this competition is for you

Issue 04 Cover Photography Competition Rules:
-Lebanese Amateur Photographers
-Age: over 18
The Task is:
To Submit two hires self-portrait creative pictures with a nice background
New Photos never used before and Exclusively for Lebanese photography Magazine
Once submitted, 6 Finalists will be selected for voting, on Facebook
 And our jury members will choose the issue 04 cover winner depending on creativity and originality.

The contest Opens from November 1 till December 24 2010 Midnight.
No entries received after deadline will be accepted

The selected participant will win:
Front cover of Issue 04
Diana Camera - LOMOGRAPHY
One year Flickr pro account

Monday, November 8, 2010

Exclusive interview with Nancy Afyouni, A Classy professional Women


LPM: Introduce yourself, who is Nancy? Where did you study? What did you work?

Nancy: I have studied Finance at AUST. I have started modeling after Miss Lebanon 2003.
I worked as a presenter at Rotana, in the same time I was doing modeling and advertising.
I was the public image for watch Motion in the Middle East and Europe.
In addition, I participated in many music video clips.
A year ago, I started working in Turkey, I was the first Lebanese to work on a Turkish Arabic channel, and  I did two shows (One cooking show and the second one a big production that hosts movie stars and famous singers).
As well, I did a movie that is due now to be released now at New Year, with Yury Mrakadi.
Also I have recently done many other events in Greece and in Egypt.

LPM: What are your hobbies and interests?
Nancy: Sports, swimming, music, and horseback riding.

LPM: What advice do you give for the aspiring models?
Nancy: Concentrate and choose top of the top.
Especially when starting fresh in modeling, a lot of options are offered from TVs, agencies, people whom are in the business.
The model should choose what puts her and best presents her and pretty image.

LPM: How do you prepare yourself for a photo shoot?
Nancy: For indoor photo shoot, I prefer a classy, elegant look, with a makeup that shows my details
Wherever for outdoor photo shoot, I prefer a natural look with a simple makeup and comfortable clothing.  
LPM: How would you describe working with a photographer?
Nancy: I did work with all of the photographers in Lebanon.
It is an important aspect, that the photographer knows the model beforehand and is aware of the best positions suiting  the model, since the photographer can see things with a different eye.
Noting that the photographer have to love the photography, in order for him to put the same effort that the model is doing.

LPM: Who’s your favorite photographer, you ever worked with?
Nancy: Vatche, MKI, JC Bejjani.

LPM: How does a model compliment the photographer?
Nancy: The model is an essential part of the picture; she fulfills the concept and the mood of the whole scene that the photographer is seeking.

LPM: What makes a stylish woman?
Nancy: Always taking care of herself (body and look). She have to follow the fashion but in a classy way.

Rudy: What was fun about Modeling and what did u achieve?
Nancy: Modelling is a school of life, you meet lots of people, you learn about beauty and glamour, and you work with a team.

Rudy: What is the difference between Lebanese Models and Foreign Models?
Nancy: The negative difference for Lebanese Models is that they moan a lot, also that the exposure is small in Lebanon not allowing an international exposure.
The international models have more chances and more exposure but forbidden from many stuff like lacking of privacy and freedom, since while working with an agency, they need permission for anything.
In Lebanon, modeling is more of a hobby rather than a profession.

LPM: What is your favorite look?
Nancy: My favorite look is with family and friends, it is a natural classical look.
In an event, I always prefer something simple, youthful and too fancy.

LPM: Will we see you behind the camera?
Nancy: No I don’t think so but I had a project, but due to the overwhelming work I couldn’t achieve it yet. In this business you learn a lot, I think maybe in later stages, I might do a production house.
Rudy: What do you say for your fans?
Nancy: In every interview, every picture, every appearance, I find their comments helpful and satisfying.
They give me that feeling that whatever I do is successful.
Especially the youngsters, they are too active they say a lot of constructive comments.

LPM: What do you say for Lebanese Photography Magazine?
Nancy: What you are doing is very nice, something new.
It’s like when TV started and where is TV now?
So is the internet now, and since you are online you have a broader reach.
Nice concept and idea, wish you all the success.

Nancy Afyouni By MKI

Nancy Afyouni By MKI

Nancy Afyouni By MKI

Nancy Afyouni By MKI

Nancy Afyouni By MKI

Nancy Afyouni By MKI

Nancy Afyouni By MKI

Nancy Afyouni By MKI

Nancy Afyouni By MKI

Nancy Afyouni By MKI

Exclusive interview with Toufic Araman, and Award winning Simplistic Photographer


 LPM: Who is Toufic Araman? Introduce yourself, where did you study, how long have you been in photography, starting point, etc… 
Toufic: I have spent my early childhood in Lebanon then moved to Egypt in 1982.  I studied “Economics and Fine Arts” at the American University in Cairo.  In 2001, I landed a job in Dubai where I worked as a Training and Development Director in a multinational then an independent Business Consultant.  In Dubai, I started taking photography workshops and courses. A close friend of mine gave me an SLR camera with two lenses in 2003.  It had changed my life.  It was a shock for me to know that I can paint that easily and in a social way too.  Painting required a lot of solitude which I could not handle!  In 2006 I decided to go to New York to study photography at the “International Center of Photography, ICP” and the “School of Visual Arts, SVA” New York. 9 courses in 8 months were a challenged but I did it.   ICP focused on the conceptual side of photography and SVA on the technical side gave me a huge push.  I came back in 2007 and I stared my career as a full time photographer.  

LPM: How would you define yourself who is Toufic Araman as a photographer?
Toufic:I don't define myself as anything more than an observer; I don't give solutions, I simply reflect. My work takes the viewer through the journey of my thoughts, towards the exact feeling or moral I try to reflect. I want to be labeled as an effective communicator, and let that be through photography, painting or film.

Photographs are not real. They reflect the reality of the person behind the lens. Photography is very subjective, as a photographer I will choose my angle, and so the frame will reflect only what I have chosen to capture.

I don't build my creativity on a person's influence; however, I admire the pioneers, as they define the concept of uniqueness (individuality) to me. They dared to do the different against the mainstream, thus becoming the first in history.

I am will shoot anything creative, that has a strong concept behind it, be it fashion, food, interior or advertising. 

LPM: How would you describe your style?
Toufic:Simplistic, minimist and I depend on lighting to make my images to look the way it looks.  Light always play a character in my pictures. But ultimately, what makes a stunning picture is the team that puts together (i.e. model, makeup, stylist, everything)

LPM: What advice do you have for new photographers?
1- Shoot things that usually people don’t shoot
2- Don’t go for something usual and shoot things you like to shoot
3- Be pushy, and always ask yourself what the message you are trying to convey 

LPM: Did you get trained by another photographer?
Toufic:No. I am a self-taught never worked for anybody. I assist few for a day or two but the workshops I took and looking at other people’s work helped me a lot.

Some of my teachers in New York pushed me so hard that has affected my personal life not only my skills.   

LPM: How do you prepare for a photo shoot?
Toufic:I am meticulous.  Everything has to be well planned beforehand; I try as much as possible not to leave any details unknown.   Things have to be documented with the stylist and makeup artist etc.  I do a lot of brainstorming with my team.

LPM: What do you add to the photo when the client tells you this and that? 
Toufic:My clients leave space for me to develop the idea.  However, sometimes when shooting advertising, the picture sketch comes in a very specific format of how it should look like. Therefore my job is to help my client bringing to the concept to life in my own style.

LPM: How do you work out on the composition of the picture? 
Toufic:Many people work on rules (rules of third etc…), but I do not think about it.  No composition rules is the rule.  Breaking the rules making it less predictive.  It is a boring to predict an image.  

LPM: What distinguish a professional model from a non-professional one?
Toufic:Creativity, acting skills and knowledge of photography are very important criteria.  Experience makes a huge difference; they will help you make your images come to life.  They can tell the outcome of the photographs by knowing what lens and light you are using.  They basically become part of the team.  

LPM: What makes Lebanese photographers different from others / in the area photographers?
Toufic:They have more guts they can push it and this give them advantage in the region.  We live in somehow a more moderate society than anyone else in the region.  

LPM: What is your favorite lens? 
Toufic:I have no favorite lens.  It depends on what I am shooting, for example, for the portrait I shoot with 35 mm, 85 mm and 50 mm.  They use to tell me the longer the lens the better compact perspective of the picture and it makes the face look good.  I sold my 70- 200 last year, cause I have discovered that the closer to the people the more emotion you get out of them.  Wide angle lens tells a story.  I mainly use prime lenses; 35, 50, 85 mm and 90 tilt and shift, 24 tilt shift

LPM: What is your lighting equipment?
Toufic:I use profoto and bownes.  More and more I am using less artificial light and depend on natural light.  When I started photography I wanted every piece of equipment, now, I am ending up now using less and less equipment.  It is not a matter what equipment you have it is a matter of what you do with them.  For my last underwater shoot I just used a 35mm for the whole shoot and did not change the lens.  

LPM: A typical question what are you using, medium format or 35 m? 
Toufic:I use Mainly Canon 1Ds mark III.  I also own Mamiya RZ67 but I prefer Canon.

It doesn’t matter, you can use a Holga and get the same results, you don’t need a fancy camera.  It is not how big the file; it’s what is in the file.  I have all lenses but I want to be flexible, and faster, don’t like to put the camera on a tripod.  Putting the camera on a tripod makes the image looks staged.   I use it handheld, it gives me flexibility.
I’m using now the live view feature especially for interior; I shoot tethered and style the shot on the computer monitor.  

Technical Scope.
LPM: How was Angham picture taken?
Studio highlight, and lighting setup, Camera

Lighting Setup:

LPM: In general during a session to take the shot how many picture you take.
Toufic: It really depends, sometime just one and others 50 to 100.

LPM: Do you still have time to shoot for yourself something you love?
Toufic:Not as much as I would like to. But yes I do at least once in a month, I do a personal shoot.  You have to develop yourself so you need to test.

LPM: Can you share a website or blog you visit often?
Toufic:http://www.pdnonline.com. It is a magazine and a blog; it is the biggest photography business portal in America, for example how to budget your studio.

LPM: Who are your Famous Clients?
Qatar airways
American express
Starwood (owners of Sheraton, meridian, four points etc...)
And now I started shooting singers in a creative way; my first was Angham the Egyptian singer.

LPM: What awards did you win and some of your exhibitions?
Toufic:I won four main awards. Gulf photo plus best advertising photo 2008. Gulf photo plus 2006 photo of the year. Grapheast 2005 and just recently a shoot I have done for Qatar Airways won second place for a fashion shoot in Australia The creativity print award.  My work was exhibited in Noordelicht, Holland, Brecht Forum, New York and Dubai Gulf Art Fair, UAE.  I currently am taking part at The House of Frida show in ground 68 in Beirut.

LPM: Last four photo shoots?
Raffles Hotel, KSA
Qatar airways magazine, fashion editorial

LPM: What do you say for people that love your work? 
Toufic: Good Luck Hope you will always love my work.  Remember to tell me why. 

LPM: What do you say for Lebanese photography magazine? 
Toufic: Having this number of people interested in your website in this short time, is an AMAZING JOB.  Keep up the good work.

Contact info:
Phone: +961 71 600 140